Our Story

Hello, my name is Eric Kloss and I am the inventor of Hooked. Our story started at the beginning of the pandemic. My wife Debi and I were watching the Bassmaster on TV and I said there needs to be something to get more kids outdoors and interested in fishing, especially because currently everyone was afraid to be out in public places and felt locked down. Then I thought maybe an outdoor fishing game could help get families outdoors having fun together while teaching the younger kids how to cast and possibly be future anglers. This idea grew and I was HOOKED designing one prototype after another while keeping the idea of social distance and having fun at the same time in mind.

The key was to design something that was not just another bean bag toss game while keeping it lightweight and portable. Its unique design scored us a U.S patent pending on the design and the game components.

As we formulated the game rules playing with friends and family, we had people asking us where did you buy that game? how can I get one?

Well now after many long fun hours spent creating this unique fun game, you too can test your casting skills and get Hooked! See how much competitive fun you can have while mastering that perfect cast.
Thank you for being part of our story and we hope you have as much fun playing Hooked as I did developing it!
A special thanks to my family and friends who helped with the game design, rules and website.
(Christopher, Eric and Kelly) 

Do you have questions, let us know at PlayHookedNow@gmail.com

* This game is not recommended for children under 3 years of age